The U3A State Network Conference held at the Armadale District Hall on the 20th and 21st October, was a great success. Over one hundred delegates attending from around the local area, including members from Margaret River, Bunbury, Busselton and Geraldton.

As this was U3A Armadale’s 25th Anniversary, we decided to celebrate the occasion with an Anthology. This was put together by three members of the Armadale group and invited all its members to contribute. Thirty articles were received on a variety of subjects ranging from ‘own experiences’ to fantasy and poems, which made for good reading.

There was a great variety of speakers on Day one, with Professor Peter Newman talking about Urban Development, encouraging development growth in a secure and living environment. Bill Bunbury spoke about how we communicate with others throughout the world. Geoff Kaye gave a very interesting and amusing talk on miscommunication and the ultimate illusion, whilst and Julie Fearns-Pheasant presented Communicating Through Art – what’s in a picture? The Melody Makers kept everyone awake and tapping their feet after lunch, with How Jazz Communicates – a history of jazz throughout time.

Day two was equally interesting and informative, with Dr Brett Biddington, who had flown in from Canberra, tell us about the Online World – identity, society, and community. His talk included, what we need to know when connecting to social media, how to protect ourselves, and what the government needs to do. Professor Steven Maras spoke on a Critical Perspective of Good Communication and Social Media, is there a right or wrong?

Catering was provided by Armadale High school, who put on an excellent menu, and served delegates efficiently and politely.

The U3A WA Network held its AGM after the first day of proceedings, where a new Committee was elected. After the AGM, delegates were invited to a sundowner to network, make new acquaintances, and catch up on old friends. Some went for a Chinese meal at the “Happy Gathering” opposite Armadale Hall after the sundowner, and continued their informal chatting and laughing.

Raffles were held at the end of Day one and two, with prizes being given by some of Armadale’s local businesses. The event was closed by the Mayor of Armadale, Ruth Butterfield, who gave thanks to all delegates from near and afar. She applauded the enthusiasm of the U3A organisation, and what it offers to Seniors by way of social integration, learning for fun, and friendship.

Sheila, the Conference Convenor, presented the Conference Committee members and some of the volunteers with bottles of wine and flowers, in recognition of their hard work in helping to put together such a wonderful event. Peter Alcock then presented Sheila with a lovely bouquet of flowers.

The atmosphere throughout the conference was lively, and everyone seemed to enjoy the event.