18 March
Dianne Williams
Ann Griffiths, Patsy Eastough
Margaret Hall, Tony Fareso
1 April
Dene Choyce
Helen Frischmuth, Jenny Frayne
Marilyn Harris, Roy Hamilton
15 April
Marianne Williman
Wendy Hayes, Val Jarrett
Barbara Hogan, Mary Marsh
6 May
Nissa Aked
Caroline McKebery, Judy Marston
Arthur Mortimer, David McLoughlin
20 May
Gail Barr
Moira Mullins, Linda Murrell
Joy Murphy, Margaret Nielsen
3 June
Teresa Cameron
Colin Ostle, Pamela Pearson
Valerie Pugh, Barbara Powell
17 June
Sally Fareso
Colin Read, Edna Staiger
Veronica Reid, Trish Smith
Please Note: Any member is welcome at any time to bring along a plate of food to share at our morning teas on a Tuesday. However, 4 members are rostered as a food plate provider for morning tea at each meeting. It is only necessary to provide one large plate of food each e.g. a cake, biscuits, party pies, sausage rolls or whatever else you would like to bring.
If you are rostered as a kitchen helper, you are asked to help organise food as it arrives, as well as clear up and wash up after morning tea. You do not need to provide any food as a kitchen helper.
Contact Rose McBride if you cannot attend on your rostered day: 0427 087 436

U3A Armadale WA