What is the University of the Third Age (U3A)?

The University of the Third Age is an international movement, founded in France in 1973, whose aims are the education and stimulation of mainly retired members of the community—those in their third 'age' of life (over 50s and not working full time). It is commonly referred to as U3A.

The idea of U3A spread rapidly around the globe, and Australia's first U3A began in Melbourne in 1984. There are currently about 300 U3As across Australia, comprising approximately 100,000 members.

U3As are voluntary, non-profit organisations which aim to offer people in the third age of life, low-cost educational opportunities which operate in a pleasant, supportive social setting. There are no formal entry requirements, no examinations and no "awards”.

About U3A Armadale

Armadale U3A offers a program of regular fortnightly meetings which are held at the Evelyn Gribble Community Centre, Ninth Road, Brookdale, on the first and third Tuesday of each month from February to November, within a friendly atmosphere. Speakers are invited to attend both from within our membership or external volunteers to talk on a wide range of topics.

In addition, there are smaller meetings on a range of topics, depending on the interests of members, and the availability of suitable group-leaders/tutors. These range from reading, theatre/cinema, study group, coffee & lunch group, walking and Horticulture. Meetings are conducted in daylight hours and arranged on a term or semester basis.

How do U3As operate?

Each U3A is an autonomous association whose members are, in the main, retired or at least semi-retired. Recommended age requirement for membership is 50 years plus. Each group is run by a Management Committee, democratically elected from among its members.

Administration and office functions are performed by members on a voluntary basis. Course leaders/ tutors/presenters are as far as possible drawn from the membership, although community (non U3A) volunteers may sometimes be willing to conduct short courses or a one-off presentation. In the spirit of sharing, there is no distinction between teacher and taught; the leader of one course may well be a student in another. Course leaders (member or non-member) do not receive payment for their services, but are on occasions reimbursed for out of pocket expenses such as travel, photocopying etc.
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U3A Armadale WA